A recent paper, published online in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, a peer-reviewed medical journal published three times a month by the American Society of Clinical Oncology, states that prostate cancer experts have maintained that PSA testing is useful and that it reduces the risk for death.
Prostate cancer screening has been a controversial topic ever since the United States Preventive Services Task Force recommended against routine prostate-specific antigen (PSA) based prostate cancer screening for healthy men, regardless of age, in 2012.
Jonathan Shoag, M.D., from New York Presbyterian Hospital in New York City, and colleagues, argue that the evidence shows that PSA testing does reduce prostate cancer mortality, and they call for a return to screening. They proposed that all men should undergo at least baseline PSA testing in their 40s or early 50s (except for individuals with a limited life expectancy). Subsequent screening after that would be tailored to individualized risk according “to schedules put forth in newer screening guidelines.”
“The rapid uptake of PSA screening followed by its equally rapid decline in the United States has been analogized to a pendulum swinging back and forth,” they comment. They warn that “reversion back to the pre-PSA era in recent years will translate into more prostate cancer deaths in the United States.”
The Alliance Cancer Centers in Greenville and Clarksdale know that early detection is one of the most important factors to surviving cancer. Whether you have a family medical history, lifestyle, and other factors that indicate that you are at greater risk for cancer, or if you are in a low-risk group with no symptoms of the disease, regular screenings are critical to successfully diagnosing and treating cancer.
If you, or a loved one, have recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer and you would like information on how the Alliance Cancer Centers in Greenville and Clarksdale treat prostate cancer with radiation therapy, or would like a second opinion, please contact us today.